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United States
Hi everyone! I am an aspiring author slash college student who loves to read which is probably obvious, and I love to share what I read with people, again, obvious. I think everyone has a book out there for them, its a matter of looking hard enough to find it and having a positive attitude about reading it. Anyways I hope you all find this blog helpful. Please feel free to comment and ask questions, that's why I do this! -Bookworm95

May 20, 2014

The Conclusion MI Fans Have Been Waiting For. . .City of Heavenly Fire

I can hardly contain my excitement! The concluding novel to the Mortal Instruments series will be releasing in approximately 7 days! I pre-orded my copy back in March and then of course I was called for Jury Duty on the 27th so I will not be home to receive my golden copy. I will not hear the angels sing as I open that sealed B&N box. . . at least not until I am released from my civil duties. I have been waiting for this book for about five years. I can remember borrowing the first book from a friend and reading it in about a day. Then calling her up in a panic because I needed the next one ASAP. After I finished that one I had to wait a year for the next one which was infuriating. if you are a fan you understand the pain after you read that incredibly hideous cliff-hanger at the end of City of Ashes. However, I am feeling very much the same as I felt about the end of Harry Potter, Twilight, and several other longer series I have read. The excitement is over which makes me sad. However, Clare has said she has another series in the making, this one taking place in L.A. after the end of MI. She is not done with the Shadowhunters yet thankfully! Anyways the point is get your copy on Tuesday. . . and if you are just now tuning in, get reading and join in on the magic! Cassandra Clare (however unreal her identity is) is one of my favorite authors. She has always been one of the authors who inspired me to write. I will never be able to thank her for that in person.
Enjoy guys!
P.S. expect a spoiler filled review of this book when I am finally able to breath and sit down calmly and write for you guys.

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