About Me

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United States
Hi everyone! I am an aspiring author slash college student who loves to read which is probably obvious, and I love to share what I read with people, again, obvious. I think everyone has a book out there for them, its a matter of looking hard enough to find it and having a positive attitude about reading it. Anyways I hope you all find this blog helpful. Please feel free to comment and ask questions, that's why I do this! -Bookworm95

February 4, 2013

It's Been A While

Hey everyone! I hope your Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's were amazing. Mine were all pretty bittersweet. I haven't had anytime to update this site in a long time. Senior year has been pretty crazy for me and a lot has happened. It is now February and I have some new things to tell you all so here it goes:

1) I started the new year's reading list on January 7, 2013 and I plan to read until that day in 2014. I will hopefully be finding some time to update the current reading page for last year and put up the new one for this year. I didn't get as many read as I had originally hoped. Like I said, my classes, school activities, family stuff, and church have kept just about all of my time these last few months.

2) I have not written anything new on the High School Romance page. I still have a writer's block. Some authors don't even believe that exists. They think you just haven't been inspired. Maybe that's true. Either way, Sam and Grace's story has not progressed. I think I am going to put it away for now. Let it rest and then come back to it. However, I have been working on some new stuff in my Creative Writing Class. I have started playing around with a cop drama that I am pretty excited about.

3) I am still going to continue the Nicholas Sparks challenge. That like everything else has taken a back seat to me hectic life. I have however started reading the Notebook and I have to say, its good, but the movie version may be better. . .I am so excited about Safe Haven coming out. For those who don't know, it comes out in the US on Feb. 14 and it looks amazing. 

I think that is all I had to tell you guys. I really am sorry about not posting anything sooner. Until I write again, have a great week, or weeks!


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