Hey everyone! Today I saw the new Hunger Games movie. I went with my book group from school and we had soo much fun. Here is what I thought:
-Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen) Did a fantastic job. She was realistic (I thought) and she showed just the right amount of emotion. She was very appropriate for each scene.
-The settings were amazing. They had just the right amount of future look to them.
-The make-up for the capitol citizens was INCREDIBLE! They looked just like I had pictured them!
-Effie Trinket was hilarious!
-I think they stayed moderately close to the book. Way closer than the first Twilight book. They did however, leave out some important facts (Like who really gave Katniss the mockingjay pin) but if I wasn't a die hard fan, I probably wouldn't have noticed.
-I hated Josh Hudgerson as Peetah. He wasn't right for the part. He was too young looking and he wasn't as buff as peetah was described to be in the book.
- There was a lot of pre-games shots. Almost 55% of the movie, I'd say, was spent outside of the arena. That disappointed me.
-I know this will make me sound extremely sick, but I didn't like how they "looked away" when a tribute was killed. You never saw someone stabbed and you only see one kid die full on the entire time. I felt like that lost some of the gruesome reality of the actual story line.
-I also didn't like how much the camera seemed to move. I understand that they are trying to make it realistic, but the camera was shaking sooo bad the whole time, I was getting sick.
-And lastly, I did NOT like the mutations (supposed to be wolf like dogs) that attack the players toward the end. They were like giant hairless rat things. But I think that they were trying to venture away from the Twilight wolves. But that is how I pictured them when I read the book sooo. . . .
I think that is all I didn't like about the movie. Over all they did a wonderful job fitting as much of the book as they could into the short time frame that they had. As a fan, I am not totally disappointed (Like I was with the Twilight movie. . .) I try not to be soo picky because there is only so much they can do. You are not going to find a 100%- totally- like -the- book- movie, or I have yet to see one anyways. Anywho let me know what y'all think of the movie!