Hey everyone! Breaking Dawn is just around the corner. As of today there is only 17 days until the premiere. Fans, make sure you catch the WHOLE cast on the Ellen DeGeneres show next week. Has everyone seen the trailer? I kind of feel like the new PG-13 should be the R. The Trailer has some graphic scenes. . .but then so does the book. I'm really excited for the movie and plan on seeing it several times. I will post a review after!
(I don't know how many of these are legit. . .but I googled 'breaking dawn movie posters' and this is what came up. . .)
“You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend.”
“Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else.”
“My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter.”
“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it.”
“Books are for people who wish they were somewhere else.”
“My test of a good novel is dreading to begin the last chapter.”
“A great book should leave you with many experiences, and slightly exhausted. You should live several lives while reading it.”
About Me
- Bookworm95
- United States
- Hi everyone! I am an aspiring author slash college student who loves to read which is probably obvious, and I love to share what I read with people, again, obvious. I think everyone has a book out there for them, its a matter of looking hard enough to find it and having a positive attitude about reading it. Anyways I hope you all find this blog helpful. Please feel free to comment and ask questions, that's why I do this! -Bookworm95
SO EXCITED!!! I actually got my tickets today! ^^ I'm such a nerd haha
I'm really excited too! counting down everyday!I plan on seeing it at least three times lol. and sadly I haven't gotten my tickets yet. I like seeing it after the crowds anyways lol it will be GREAT!
Haha the crowds don't bother me too much, I over look it because I just look forward to seeing the movies so much, that it doesn't matter how crowded the theater is as long as I get my seat :)
What bothers me is the girls that scream and giggle. like be courteous and respectful for those who want to watch the movie. I wouldn't mind lots of people. lol me and my girlfriends love the movies and we always make a day out of it. movie then discuss it over lunch and stuff like that. we are way excited!
Yeah, for me it's sort of fun, up until a point. But the theaters I go to, are pretty fun, because everyone just screams when the Title of the film comes up at the beginning, and then the first time when Jacob takes off his shirt, (which for me, it don't matter haha, because I'm a total Team Edward!). But when someone is speaking in the film its usually always quiet, and if not everyone tells that person to shut up haha.
It's the same when I saw the Harry Potter films :)
But I definitely hope to see more than once in the theaters so I can enjoy a few times on the big screen haha
I can't wait to see. I think I am going tomorrow. I'm like the last person alive who hasn't seen it yet. and I'm team Edward too lol! Jacob is just a kid! lol I like to enjoy it in the theater a few times too lol we have to wait so long for the DVD.
I KNOW!! It's driving me crazy already! I've begging every one I know to go see it with me again haha, the movies are just so expensive! Hopefully, after Black Friday this week, i will have a little extra cash to be able to go see it :).
And yes, I completely agree, Jacob is just a kid haha. However, even though I didn't really like Taylor Lautner's acting in the first three, I thought he was REALLY good in this one! Kristen also showed so much more emotion! There acting has improved throughout each one, and I thinks that's great!
Yes I know exactly what you mean! I still have that insane butterfly effect going on in my stomach, because I just can't get the movie out of my head haha. Wow, I must sound like a pretty big loser to some people lol, but this series is just beautiful! The movies and books! I mean of course, I love the books more, but I also love seeing the story come alive.
And I know exactly what you mean, Jacob is seriously a kid still. However, even though I never really liked Taylor Lautner's acting in the first three, I thought he did a GREAT job in this one! I was really surprised! Also I think that they have all grown acting wise throughout the entire series. kristen shows a lot of emotion in this one. PLEASE let me know what you thought of it, after you saw it!! I keep trying to find people to discuss it with :). Just comment on this thread again, because I get the replies in my email account, so I can just answer it then :).
Oops sorry, I sent you twice practically the same thing haha, I didn't notice that you have approve it first.
Huu i still haven't seen it :( . I have heard a lot of great things though and I did hear about Taylor's acting improving! that makes me sooo happy lol. my plans to see it have been some what extended. . .:/ but SOON i hope. I'm really ecited while I still love the books more, I agree that It also nice to see it on the big screen, even if its different than what I imagined. I heard its pretty close to the book and that makes me vvveerryyy happy! I hate when they screw with the plot! I will totally comment after I see it! I like this discussion! most of my friends, beening teens, don't really read that much ya know? anyways I really hope its everything it should be :)
Oh it's great! And yes, I never have anyone to talk to about books haha, my friends aren't interested in reading.
haha :) lol then what are two lonely book bloggers supposed to do with our time? we blog to and for each other! or why else do it??
Exactly! That's why I started mine :)
Well then, I'll keep doing this if you do lol :) it's fun and I feel like even if no one else reads it, it's a place to put my thoughts. . .have a conversation with myself? if that doesn't make me sound insane. . .
LOL no I don't think so, because that would make me insane too ;).
woo good I'm not the only one! lol
:) Oh no definitely not!
hahaha :)
Ok so i saw the movie. it was great! i am re reading breaking dawn and I was surprised how close the movie is! I love when they include real lines from the book!
this is what I thought:
-I felt like the movie was on fast forward. One minute they are getting married, then they are on a plane home. . I feel like they skipped a lot, like:
-The dream Bella has about the baby. They changed it to an insecure dream about Edward. She has never been insecure about Edward and her being together. maybe about whether or not she deserved him, but never if they were meant to be. at least I don't think so.
-I didn't like how they made Edward angry with Bella about her being pregnant. He was always supportive and never left her side. I did NOT like how they portrayed him. Also, He yelled at her! Not cool!!
-I didn't like how they skipped the first part of the book. Like the flashbacks and the car. Or the meadow, or her seeing the dress for the first time.
-I'm not really sure how I feel about Jacob's imprinting scene. I like how he explained what was happening, but I don't know, maybe they could have showed it better? I don't really know how they would, but it was ok.
-there were a lot of funny parts. I loved, loved, loved, loved the wedding, but I wish it were longer! I also loved the toasting. That was soooo funny! and I loved how Alice was yelling at everyone while they were setting up.
-I thought Bella's wedding dress, and shoes, and make up and hair, all of that was perfect! That's how I pictured her.
-I loved seeing Stephenie Meyer in the wedding. If I was her, I would want to see the most important and special part of my story coming to life. I would be like she was writing it all over again. I'm sure she pictured herself there while she sat at home in a world of her creation. And if she ever reads this, I want to say thank you to her. she has inspired thousands of people including me, and made a story we all love!
-I loved the music. I'm listening to the soundtrack as I type this and it makes me feel. . .I don't know, but the music is perfect with the movie and just as a collection of music. Summit did a great job!
-I liked how they showed the venom spreading through Bella. That was really creative and I think helped people who had never read the books realize what was happening.
-I think the actors did a way better job in this movie. Its about time!
-I loved how they made Bella look when she was pregnant. I loved that scene where Rose is helping her in the bathroom and you see Edward just broken looking at her broken body. The look on his face and on Bella's face...it was a great scene. My heart hurt for both of them.
-finally, I loved loved the scene where Edward hears the baby for the first time. !! So sweet!
Yes I definitely agree with most of what you said, however, one thing, Edward was not happy at first when he found Bella was pregnant in the book, he wasn't supportive of the pregnancy in the book until he heard the baby really, and when Bella first started drinking the blood. He wanted to take the baby out from the beginning and destroy it.
And yes, the imprinting scene was a little weird, however, my mom and I discussed it afterwards haha, and she had a point, for the people who haven't read the books, that explained how imprinting really works, because it was would have been even worse if Jacob were to just look at Renesmee and be like, "Oh, I imprinted" haha can you imagine that!!?? That would have ruined the movie!
I also loved that Stephenie Meyer made an appearance again, that was awesome! And yes, I bet she did imagine herself there as she wrote the books, she definitely is inspirational to me too :).
And the way Bella looked while she was pregnant...WOW, that was intense and awesome at the same time!! And then at the end as the venom is scorching through her body, and her body starts filling itself out! That was awesome!! Kristen was so beautiful!
What did you think about the acting??
I thought they were all so great in this one! I mean I have enjoyed all the movies, but Kristen didn't show very much emotion in especially the first two, and in this one she was great. At the wedding, I loved her expression as she's walking down the aisle. And the Taylor Lautner, I have to say was my least favorite actor in all of the movies, I just can't take him serious as Jacob, Taylor just seems too nice! But in this one, he looked older (finally!), and his acting was really good too, especially when showing his pain about losing Bella. Robert's face throughout the whole movie was amazing!
Oh, it was just so great, and so close to the book! I think Bill Condon did an awesome job! And I definitely think it helped that Stephenie Meyer was a producer, that way she was able to say how to do a lot of things.
And yes, I love the soundtrack too. It isn't my absolute favorite one, when it comes to just listening to at home or on the go, (Eclipse was my favorite when it comes to that) but the music definitely fit perfectly into the movie. However, did you ever hear "Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, in the movie?? I missed it, or they skipped it.
Anyway, it was just such a great movie :). I am hopefully going to see it again tomorrow lol. :)
That's very true. Edward was not really supportive in the book up until the talking to the baby scene. But I don't remember him ever yelling at her. . which is what bothered me the most. however I apsolutely loved that scene where he hears the baby. SO SWEET!!!
I think that Bella's body transforming really made it real for those who have not read the books and don't really know how it works. it was an awesome scene. and when her chest pops back!! GROSS!
You made a good point about the imprinting. It would have been really cheesy if they had done it any of other way. I liked how they read those lines about the cables. that was super cool:)
I never liked Kristen as an actress, but in this movie I think she did WAY better. and Taylor has always seemed awkward to me, but I guess I just figured it was because he was supposed to be that way? You know? like in the book, he has those awkward teenage moments where he's just like what do I do. what do I say. but I think he just makes me laugh because he isn't really that serious? Idk but I think Kristen controled her twitching and her weird breathing a lot better.
Stephenie's appearance was so cool to me for some reason. it was just so fitting to have her there. I know she was in the diner in Twilight, but this seemed more appropriate for some reason.
LOL I love all the soundtracks! I've found some great artists from them! My favorite song from the Breaking Dawn one is Turning Page by Sleeping at Last. Its just so sweet and the lyrics make me want to have some one say them to me lol!
I was thinking the same thing about the Christina Perri song! I loved it and I don't remember hearing it in the movie. I know the bruno mars one is in the credits, but I was trying to place the thousand years one and I can't . I only saw it once, so maybe I'll notice it again if I go see it another time:)
It was a great movie! let me know if you find the song lol :)
Yeah I will let you know if I hear "Thousand Years" tomorrow :)
And yes, you're right, Edward didn't yell at Bella while she was pregnant, he didn't want to because he didn't to upset her unnecessarily. And when he talks to the baby...REALLY SWEET!! :)
And YES Kristen did have some sort of twitching problem in first couple of movies!! Especially in "Twilight"! Have you ever seen any of the interviews from the "twilight" dvd?? She twitches so much, that it looks like she's tweeking!
And Taylor definitely had the whole awkward teenager down. However, I think the thing I can never take him seriously on is when he gets "angry" at Edward and Bella. Especially when he says, "Filthy bloodsuckers", I always find myself cringing haha.
And yes, Stephenie definitely made the wedding even more wonderful by being there! It was really fitting for her to be there.
And yes I LOVE the soundtracks!! I always try to get them on the first day...it helps me calm down a bit with excitement, before seeing the movie haha.
"Turning Pages" is a gorgeous song. When did it play in the movie? During the wedding scene??
My personal favorite song is "My Love" by Sia, in Eclipse. I love that song!
The one thing my mom and I never have liked is how little they incorporate "Bella's Lullaby". When the first soundtrack was released, I listened over and over to every song, except for "Bella's Lullaby" because I wanted to be surprised by how it sounded. But then they barely even mentioned it...if at all! It was so disappointing!
And you know, I totally called it that Bruno Mar's song "It will rain" would be in the credits!! I swear!! :)
I have seen some interviews where she and Rob just don't know what to say. Like she twitches and he just says "Um" and "Ya". Really annoying. lol They are just so awkward in front of people. They did the Ellen show recently and they were kinda the same way.
I hate how cheesy Taylor can be. like you said, when he gets mad he has this facial expression and like this weird shaking thing. . . which I guess is supposed to happen in the book, but seeing him do it is just strange.
I Love the soundtracks. they are so awesome! i love listening to them to calm down too! I like to guess what song goes to what part. It does kind of bother me when there is music in every scene. it makes it like a soap opera...and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Turning Page song! I listen to it ALL the time! LOL you did call the Bruno Mars in the credits! that was funny! I was listening to a podcast, it was either Twilightseriestheories, or Imprint, someone else guessed that too:) Great minds think alike! I like that Sia song too!
I think that the lullaby was "ok". it just wasn't what I pictured. but It's really pretty by itself I love it too! and I think that they should have played it more in ALL the movies. I think it would make it more like special. I can't wait till Part two when she comes home and he's playing it for her. That better be in the movie. haha.
Yes they definitely are awkward in interviews. However, they have gotten better. I watched the live streaming of the Hollywood and London premiere online (haha, yes, I am that big of a nerd ;)) and Kristen and Robert seemed a lot more comfortable, and even seemed to enjoy themselves more, in front of their fans, and cameras.
One thing everyone will find out, is that when the movies are over, every one will find out if Kristen and Rob are really together. I totally think so! And they are SOOO cute! They fit perfectly I think, they both have that awkward thing down haha.
Yeah when there is a song playing in every scene it does seem like a soap opera haha. Sometimes TV shows, especially sitcoms, annoy me when they have all those short little tunes in every scene, like when someone says something, "duh-dum".
And yes definitely, the soundtracks are really calming! I have the first two score soundtracks, the songs with just the back ground music, and I listen to those sometimes before I go to bed, because they help relax.
Yes, the lullaby was just "ok", I wish they would have had Edward tell Bella that he wrote her that song at least and that it would have showed up in at least one scene in each movie, however, since the second and third didn't have Carter Burwell make the score music, they probably couldn't use that song, since it's under his name.
And YES I really hope they have Edward playing the piano for Bella when she comes home from her "Christmas shopping trip" haha.
And btw, I saw it again today ^^ LOL, and it was as great as the first time! And I checked, and I didn't hear "Thousand Years" anywhere. Sometimes some of the songs just aren't featured in the movies, it's weird but it happens.
And I have to say I liked the scene where Edward sort of yelled at Bella, he showed such great emotion in that scene I thought. I mean of course, it's terrible to get yelled at, but Bella definitely did sort of deserve it at the time. I loved Edward's face in that scene, because I just really saw his love for Bella. haha, I probably so weird LOL.
I want them to be together too! they are adorable!
I never bought any scores and I don't know why because I've heard that all of them are really great:)
and that makes sense about the lullaby. I would totally like copyright my song! idk just me lol
it could of been in a scene that got cut and they just wanted to include it in the soundtrack?? I'm really sad its not in there lol
I like the emotion and I reread the whole bella's pregnant scene this morning and he shows that emotion without yelling, but I guess for the movie it would of been weird for him to be like smoldering or somthing. it would have probably been really cheesey.
do you know how in that scene he storms out? it would have been SOO funny if you saw him through the glass like breaking a tree or something! lol
Maybe i'm just weird hahaha:)
LOL that would have been hilarious if Edward would have broken a tree after storming out!!
And yes smoldering would have been annoying. I loved Robert's emotions in this one. When he froze, just like in the book, when Bella told him she might be pregnant hahaha.
You should check out on Youtube, "Ellen in Breaking Dawn". It is HILARIOUS!!! It was on an episode of Ellen Degeneras haha.
Oh and there's this other video on youtube, it's called "How Twilight Should have ended", it's a cartoon these people made, really funny too! Check them out if you get a chance!
I'm one of those fans, that even though I love the stories and movies, I still am pretty open to the parodys haha. Like did you ever see "Vampires Suck"??
I've never seen vampire suck, but its in my netflix list. maybe I'll put it in my christmas list lol. I've heard it hilarious!
Is the Ellen video the one where she is in the bathtub and she's listening to bella and edward talk about. . .her bring pregnant? If so I saw it on her show and it was sooo funny! I will try to remember tonight to look up the other one:)
I think that the emotions were really great in the movie. like with everyone. I liked how Alice kept saying fetus and Rosalie was like "its a baby Alice! say it! Baby!" that was pretty funny...even though it was a pretty serious scene. . .
I don't know about you but I hate the scene where the wolf pack meets in the lumber yard and they are growling at each other and there is music playing and they are like barking. It was too much and it turned out corny. I did not like it at all lol.
I'm pretty good with the parodys but sometimes they can be pretty stupid. we just did a section on those in my creative writting class and we watched like a minute of one(not twilight) and then we had to turn it off. No one was laughing and it was like Really?? lol
Oh yes, I have definitely seen some parodys where I am like, "WTF?" LOL, the Twilight one is sort of like that sometimes, because they changed a few things, that were never even in the story, twisting around words, making the characters seem terrible, but overall, if was hilarious! It wasn't too bad either, because they made fun of my two least favorite twilight movies haha. I mean I like them, but looking back there is a lot they could have changed.
Ooh that's awesome that you're taking a creative writing class! I've always wanted to take a fiction one. I take online classes though, and my school doesn't have it online, unfortunately.
And yes it's the Ellen video haha, it's SOOO funny!! I watched that episode too haha. I was watching like all the talk shows they made appearances at before the movie came out. For instance, i saw jimmy kimmel, who is probably my favorite talk show host, and then Jimmy fallon was pretty funny too.
And yes the wolf lumber scene was weird. It was the part where are hearing each others thoughts too. It must have been so tough to do that! But I can't think of any other way of representing that in the film. And someone else told too they thought it was weird how the wolves growl at each other as they communicate haha
lol Yes creative writing is so much fun lol! Online is cool :) totally convienent. my sister is doing online and she loves it <3
Twilight videos are so funny! I feel like there should be like a website that should post only funny parodys. there probably is one lol.
the wolf scene is sooooo strange! they are growling and talking and there is music. but you're right. how else would they do that???
Exactly! It's so difficult! Especially since they were afraid at first that they wouldn't even be able to make Breaking Dawn, until all the technology was there to make it. I'm so glad they didn't wait! haha
And yes they should make a website with all Twilight Parodys, I bet they do somewhere haha.
Did you watch that cartoon yet, "How Twilight Should Have ended"? It is hilarious I swear!!
"let's go eat some people!!" LMAO!!! that video was funnnyyy!!! hahahaha "Are you like afraid of commitment?" "Are you afraid she'll play baseball better than you?" LOL I LOVE IT!!
I'm glad they didn't wait either but I wish they would release part two sooner! is there a date yet??
LOL yes! With Blade at the end hahahaha and when I showed it to my mom she and I both just laughed so much when "Jacob" said, "Look at my bagillion ab muscles" haha. And when "bella" wakes up and says, "Too late" haha
And yes the date is set, November 16th, 2012. So it's still a while away, but I AM SOOOOO EXCITED it's killing me! But somehow I'm glad for the break, because it will make the series last a little while longer. I'm going to be so sad when it's over... ;(, no more Harry Potter and no more Twilight...;(.
Hopefully, they can make The Hunger Games into good movies (for me personally, they were good books, but not my absolute favorite series that I have ever read). But hopefully they will also make the Mortal Instruments into movies too!! :)
Omg that video was hilarious!
And that's SUCH a long time to wait! BLEH! oh well you're right. longer we can drag this out the better. I miss Harry Potter:/
I loved the Hunger Games and I hope that the movie is amazing! and right now I'm reading the clockwork Prince. have you read those? the spin off for the city books? they are pretty great too:)
I miss Harry Potter too ;(
And yes, The Hunger Games was good! My favorite was "Catching Fire" that one just seemed to have the most going on :).
And I have not read "Clockwork Angel" or "Clockwork Prince", however, "Clockwork Angel" is sitting on my shelf, waiting to be read, and I LOVED The Mortal Instrument Series!!
Right now, I'm reading "Hush, Hush", which is REALLY good!!!
I'm really looking forward to the Hunger Games movie! And I hope they are truly going to make a City of Bones movies, (except I'm not so sure about Jamie Campbell playing Jace, I liked the idea of Alex Pettyfer better, but I'm sure he will do a good job still :)).
I think my favorite is "Hunger Games" just because you get to meet all the characters and its really the foundation to the other two books. I love Katniss and Peetah. they are sooo cute!
I love the City books! they are one of my favorite series of all time! and the spin off is great too. its set in 1800 london and its about like some of the characters ancestors. its just as funny and witty as the other books. You must must must read it ASAP!
I have never read hush hush. I've heard its a good series, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I have a rather long list. :/
I am really looking forward to the instruments movie too! and I HATE the guy they picked for Jace. I would totally have much rather had Alex. He is WAYYY hotter! lol
YES! Alex is! And he's got the whole really blonde hair down, plus he looks tough! He is HOT!!!
And with the Hunger Games, while I was reading the series, I honestly couldn't choose who I wanted Katniss to end up with. I thought both Peeta and Gale had good AND bad things about them each, that would either have me swooning over them or just completely turned off. But I thought the ending did seem appropriate in the end.
And I will be reading "Clockwork Angel" VERY soon! Hopefully in January. I have a rather long list too, but Clockwork Angel is on the top of it.
If you do get a chance, and run across "Hush, Hush" check it out! I think you would really like it, it reminds me a little of Twilight, it's got that same dark aspect to it, sort of.
And we should definitely keep in contact. We seem to have a lot in common! I'll leave you my email address, so when we stop commenting on this thread :), we can keep in touch through email if you're interested. I love talking about books, and so do you :).
my email is:
I always picture him as Jace lol CUTE!!!
I was always a team Peetah fan lol I'll admit! I don't know I just always saw gale as a brotherly figure.
I will put Hush Hush on my list lol. Everyone is telling my how great it is so I will totally look into it:)
And YES! this chain is soo long lol! which is a great thing! I would love to talk some more:) and we do have a lot in common lol I love talking to you:)
my email is:
Awesome, we'll start emailing now :)
cool O.o Will do :)
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